Be healthy to be beautiful
The beauty industry is in full mutation: under the skin, the cells!
The Smart Factory, is it now?
While the intelligent factory remains a major technological theme, the road to it is not an easy one. Where do the different industrial sectors stand in this respect?
3D printing: a second wind for the 2020s
3D printing is currently looking to expand well beyond its current technological niches. Can it become a general-purpose technology, generating new innovations?
Pharmaceutical industry: everything to be rebuilt
We Are Resilient webinars bring together stakeholders and experts in industrial resilience to share and compare their experiences and visions. The theme of the third session: the future of the pharmaceutical sector, all to be rebuilt!
Relationships between large groups and SMEs: sometimes it works!
We Are Resilient webinars bring together stakeholders and experts in industrial resilience to share and compare their experiences and visions. Theme of the third session: Relationships between large groups and SMEs, sometimes it works! treated through the Ocov project of innovative mask.
We Are Resilient #1: In France we print masks
We Are Resilient webinars bring together stakeholders and experts in industrial resilience to share and compare their experiences and visions. The theme of the first session: In France, masks are produced.
Reducing your carbon footprint in a post-COVID19 world
How can different industrial players position themselves to reduce their carbon footprint while ensuring their development?
Will the carbon capture market develop?
Carbon capture, sequestration or utilization devices are among the avenues being seriously investigated to help achieve carbon neutrality. What are the market prospects for these technologies?
Arthur D. Little – Presans: an exceptional and highly symbolic acquisition in a context of global lockdown
The founder of Presans, Albert Meige, develops the reasons for the acquisition of Presans by Arthur D. Little is good news for the world of industrial innovation.
The future of nuclear remains open in France
The French nuclear sector is repositioning itself to apply hard-earned lessons and prepare the industrial future of this technology.
A fresh start for Framatome
Framatome reaffirms its position as the supplier of choice for nuclear power, and is turning towards new uses for nuclear power.
Nuclear power: the challenge of globalization
Can the nuclear sector continue combining a strategy of innovation with globalization?
Cochran vs. Hanson: Should we expose ourselves voluntarily to COVID-19?
Read our recap of the first online debate hosted by Presans, featuring Greg Cochran and Robin Hanson. Should we expose ourselves voluntarily to COVID-19?