Smart Skin
Skin care is being revolutionized by instrumental cosmetics.
Current trends in natural cosmetics
Large industry is also interested in the natural cosmetics sector and its innovations.
The transformation of the cosmetics industry
An update on the main trends in this sector where French manufacturers hold a dominant position.
10 Tips from the Chief Digital Officer of a major energy company
What should a Chief Digital Officer do, and how should he do it? Ten tips based on the experience of a large group in the energy sector.
The Future of Work: Utopia or Dystopia?
The future of work can be saved from sinking in dystopia on one condition: everyone must cultivate an entrepreneur mindset within themselves.
The energy transition viewed from France and Germany
France and Germany don’t have the same relationship with the energy transition.
Hydrogen and open organization
What are the strengths and weaknesses of hydrogen within the framework of open organizations?
Hot again: new hydrogen applications
Can hydrogen play an important role in the energy transition? We take a look at new applications.
New heating and cooling technologies
Let’s take stock of next generation heating technologies looming on the horizon.
San Francisco: a story that begins with the end
Jump inside the Silicon Valley Tech Ecosystem with Albert Meige and his HEC MBA students, using the Open Organization analytical framework developed by Presans as a compass!
Mobility: the reader’s guide
Mobility is a field undergoing significant disruption, which Presans has been keeping an eye on for a few years now. We put together a reader’s guide to provide orientation within this teeming jungle.
The second round of Tesla vs German carmakers
The ongoing competition between Tesla and the German carmakers is entering a phase of heightened uncertainty. While Tesla fights to overcome its vulnerabilities, The Germans struggle to generate enthusiasm for their new direction.
From cosmetics to beauty: innovation at L’Oréal
Established players such as L’Oréal must imperatively both speed up their product development and their ability to innovate over the long term thanks to scientific discoveries and technological inventions.