The Smart Factory, is it now?
While the intelligent factory remains a major technological theme, the road to it is not an easy one. Where do the different industrial sectors stand in this respect?
3D printing: a second wind for the 2020s
3D printing is currently looking to expand well beyond its current technological niches. Can it become a general-purpose technology, generating new innovations?
The future of nuclear remains open in France
The French nuclear sector is repositioning itself to apply hard-earned lessons and prepare the industrial future of this technology.
Nuclear power: the challenge of globalization
Can the nuclear sector continue combining a strategy of innovation with globalization?
A new technology strategy for the green economy
A re-examination of the dominant strategic model generally put forward to achieve the green economy is now justified.
The great biotechnological turning point
Disruptive biotechnological innovations are here and are evolving rapidly, driven by obvious but also hidden proactive strategies.
Going Gangnam Style on COVID-19
COVID-19 reveals Western vulnerabilities and this crisis will lead to an update of our health systems.
Energy transition: what battery/hydrogen mix?
News from the front line of the mobility war between hydrogen and batteries: the triumphant march sometimes lent to the evolution of the battery-powered vehicle is premature.
Nothing can stop them: new HMIs for cars
A quick look at the upheaval of human-machine interaction systems in the automotive sector.
A general introduction to the topic of HMIs
A few points of reference on the subject of human-machine interaction, a technological field which, from automobiles to video games, is developing at a rapid pace.