Open innovation and industrial secrets
We have seen the example of Apple and its iPhone, result of extensive collaborations with startups to produce a best-selling product. We are here in the very competitive sector of electronics products, with short cycles, intense competition on price, customers with...
David Copperfield’s Flying Illusion Revealed or how to protect your invention?
This is our first article intended for inventors and more precisely for public researchers. Traditionally, researchers (including myself) release their work to the rest of the world through publications in scientific journals. However, over the...
The “Meetic of Research” | PRESANS invited by the French Ministry of Research
Today the team of PRESANS was invited to participate to the press conference organized by the French Ministry of Research about the new service that they are launching early 2010: a website to facilitate collaboration between academia and industry. This sounds like a...
What is Innovation ?
PRESANS is an "Open Innovation Intermediary", based in France. Before explaining what this is, we will first speak about innovation, about the latest trends in innovation management, open innovation etc. The present article, about innovation, is a brief summary of the...
Open Innovation in Five Lessons According to Xerox
The expression "open innovation", coined by Henry Chesbrough in 2003, has become increasingly fashionable in Europe and large industrial groups are looking for ways to implement "open innovation". "Open innovation" has popped up in the program of most professional...
Invention is not Innovation
Following my article “what is Innovation?”, I would also like to explain what an innovation IS NOT. In particular, I would like to show the difference between Invention and Innovation. Two different Etymologies Even if the two words Invention and Innovation sound...
PRESANS receives the Innovation Prize from Albert Fert
Albert Fert, Physics Nobel Prize 2007 handed the Innovation Prize of the Ecole Polytechnique to the team of PRESANS on the 26th of mach 2009. A big thank from the whole team to the Ecole, and in particular to the Direction des Relations Industrielles et des...
Open Innovation in France
Open Innovation is the idea that a company can create value (product and services) not only by its internal workforce but as well through collaborations, licensing & spin-off. The concept of Open Innovation is now well known as it emerged in the United States...
PRESANS : Finalist of the Innovation Prize of Paris 2009
PRESANS was the finalist of the Prize of Innovation of the town of Paris. Here is an interview of Albert Meige. Grand Prix de l'Innovation de Paris 2009
The Erosion of the Closed Innovation Paradigm
In our article "The Golden Age of Closed Innovation Closed", we gave a definition of "Closed Innovation", and we explained how and why this type of innovation management had appeared and were necessary conditions of its success. In particular, we explained that A...
Golden Age of Closed Innovation
Open Innovation starts to be a very popular topic in Europe. This has been the case for much longer in US (since 15-20 years ago). Open Innovation will be the subject of a series of forthcoming articles. Before being open, innovation was closed. However the expression...
The European Commission Speaks about PRESANS
The European Commission has interviewed the founders of PRESANS and speaks about our innovative services and technology in web mining in their newsletter. The points that they have kept is : PRESANS is a social network for researchers, PRESANS connect industry to...
Even Newton Could be Wrong !
Behind this provocative title lies the seminal article of a series to be published on Open Your Innovation, a blog on Open Innovation by people working on Open Innovation.