Interview with Sandra Einerhand, former Scientific Program Director at Danone and Explorer at Presans
Sandra Einerhand is passionate about science and innovation and likes to assist customers by bringing their products to market more efficiently, more sustainably, with benefits based on science, and with a clear story of enduring success.
Point of view of an expert in the digital transformation
Digital transition is a risk for a sleeping company, but it is an incredible opportunity for an agile one—it opens up opportunities to reinvent the business and thus create new value.
Metaverse: the Lego bricks
Some of the technologies behind the Metaverse, as we defined it in our previous article, are not particularly new. However, since the Facebook (Meta) announcements in September 2021, many people have had an uneasy feeling: either the Metaverse is indeed something completely new, or else it’s simply a re-packaging of a set of technologies that have been under development for several decades.
Digital innovation: reshuffling the cards
Digital technology is quite different from most of the earlier technologies that contributed to the grand catalog. As such, it is taking by surprise many industrial players. Let’s examine the aspects of digital technology that are changing so dramatically the innovation process.
Creativity in the art of assembly
Designing a new product is a combinatorial problem of how to select the appropriate technology “bricks” and combine them to provide an innovative service package that addresses customers’ needs and desires.
Intermediate energy balance
Jacques Knight’s lessons learned and future questions, after two years of analysis on the key energy sector.
Energy and defense will suffer from a systemic cohesion deficit in the face of a system that has become delusional
Defense and energy are sectors forced into overconformity by a system that is delirious but sufficiently cohesive to impose its delirium on all. A polemical text.
Nutrition, ageing and Covid-19: Latest scientific insights
The main objective of this paper is to explore seniors’ increased vulnerability to COVID-19 in terms of the function of their aged immune system (inflammaging) and their gut microbiota imbalance, and to suggest a few ways to intervene in order to lower the risk of coronavirus infection in seniors with or without underlying disease.
Global shortage of digital skills
Evolution is taking place much more rapidly today, in part because the capital expenditure associated with digital innovation is much less than what was needed for designing appliances.
Do you think the Metaverse already exists?
Exactly 20 years ago, without knowing it, I was about to contribute modestly to 2 of the 6 bricks of the Metaverse: I was finishing my studies as a telecom engineer and on March 6, 2002, I was starting my internship at the Australian National University where I was going to explore the frontiers of Virtual Reality, which already fascinated me at the time. Since then, my common thread has never ceased to be intimately linked to things digital.
Digital barbarians: threat to the customer relationship
The “Digital Barbarians: threat to the customer relationship” article is the first in a series about the disruptive digital tsunami.
Product complexity’s focus on service
The product or service remains centered on the basic need of the customer, but it now encompasses addition, peripheral needs, progressing from the initial basic functionality to a service-oriented package.
The future of fiction beyond the Presans
Three axes of questioning concerning the future of fiction: will it be heroic, will it be strange, will it be carried by new vectors?