Startup Index Quest | 2

Startup Index Quest | 2

After reading this long article in the New Yorker about San Francisco, I found it impossible to avoid the conclusion that the way people work and live over there could just be the perfect exemplification of Innovation Intelligence. Innovation Intelligence is what...
Interview with Hervé Arribart, Fellow at Presans

Interview with Hervé Arribart, Fellow at Presans

Hervé Arribart is taking over the management of Presans Fellows, previously in the capable hands of Jacques Schmitt. Hervé’s career evolution is emblematic of the meta-expert type that lies at the core of the Presans model of expertise engagement. He took the time to...
Startup Index Quest | 1

Startup Index Quest | 1

I had a chat with our software engineers Guillaume and Fabien recently, on the topic of startup indexes. According to them, there are currently around thirty indexes in existence that aim to be exhaustive, surrounded by thousands of limited lists maintained by...
Looking Back: 2015 for Presans

Looking Back: 2015 for Presans

Let’s face it, on a collective level, 2015 mainly brought us a lot of pain. Remembering that is part of what keeps us afloat in the storm. Switching to the individual level, the tone varies. Looking back, we at Presans can see that 2015 brought quite a few changes for...
Presans @ X Open Innovation | expert smartsourcing

Presans @ X Open Innovation | expert smartsourcing

The X Open Innovation (Ecole Polytechnique Alumni Group on Open Innovation)  squad convened again recently for an exchange of views on the subject of expert smartsourcing. No surprise, Presans was on board, represented by Albert Meige and Hervé Arribart. As readers of...