R&I of the future: data-driven and hybrid
Hybrid organization is one of the dimensions that the R&I organization of the future must learn to integrate into its full digital loop.
Hybrid organization is one of the dimensions that the R&I organization of the future must learn to integrate into its full digital loop.
The founder of Presans, Albert Meige, develops the reasons for the acquisition of Presans by Arthur D. Little is good news for the world of industrial innovation.
Most companies are aware of the importance of data, even if they are not in the front rank when it comes to exploiting data. Among the five specificities of Open Organizations, being data-driven is the one that makes it possible to convert a knowledge advantage into a market power advantage.
Digital platforms structure the activity of open organizations. This article distinguishes three types of platforms and shows how they manage to develop, on what principles their operations are based, and how to position oneself in the ecosystems they inexorably create around them.
Albert Meige interviewed by the Franco-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce.