What are the alternatives to unsustainable plastics?

Plastics are a key element of our industrial system. They are also a source of pollution and CO2 emissions. Are there any promising technological options that would allow industrial innovation players to reduce the place of unsustainable plastics in their activities?


There are four promising technology options to reduce the environmental impact of unsustainable plastics

Reduction of pollution


Reduction of CO2 emissions





CO2 stored in plants


Polymers from captured CO2














Source: Presans

The new recycling technologies are depolymerization; thermal depolymerization; cracking (pyrolysis, hydrocracking, catalytic cracking); gasification; supercritical hydrothermal depolymerization; chemical/enzymatic depolymerization; reactive extrusion; dissolution.

There are sustainable alternatives for the following plastics: PP; ABS; PVC; PURE.

CO2 -based polymers can be obtained by thermochemical conversion, electrochemical conversion, or biological conversion.


A variety of technical approaches can be used to integrate these options into your company’s technology portfolio

From a technical point of view, the approaches to be implemented are multiple and include :

  • the improvement of current plastic recycling processes;
  • the development of compostable polymer materials;
  • the development of bio-sourced polymer materials;
  • the development of polymers from other sources e.g. from CO2 ;
  • the substitution of polymers currently used by more virtuous polymers;
  • innovation in the field of substitute materials to obtain product characteristics similar to those obtained with plastics.

Source: Presans


Industrial innovators organize themselves to get out of unsustainable plastics

It is not enough that the technologies to get out of unsustainable plastics exist. Presans can accompany you on the identification of these technologies, but we can also help you to develop the entrepreneurial vision, at the level of your company and your industrial sector, to integrate these technologies in your Research & Innovation portfolio.