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This is how we upped our game at Presans in 2016

1. We reinforced our defining human asset: the Presans Fellows group.

2. We increased and deepened our expert pool by launching Sofia 3.

3. We developed our business by partnering with ADL on breakthrough innovation.

The three megatrends we identified a year ago are still active

Trend #1: An inflation and fragmentation of knowledge: new knowledge is being generated at an accelerated rhythm (for instance, five million scientific papers are published every year). In addition to this, this new knowledge is created in a multitude of entities of which the average size is decreasing. Thus, it is faster today to pick from this knowledge that has already been created by others than to produce it yourself — it is the era of open innovation.

Trend #2: Increasing commoditization: To maintain customer satisfaction, every company attempts to include complementary functionalities into their products. Products become more complex and even converge towards full service oriented packages: Michelin, as well as Rolls Royce don’t sell tires or reactors, but travelled kilometers and flown miles.

Trend #3: Increasing digitalization: Digital barbarians insert themselves in the client relationship and capture potential margins. These new players, who move with great speed, often overtake established players.

Over the last 15 years, rapid disruptions have massively transformed value chains. The future belongs to open organizations: organizations whose ability to open their innovation becomes permanent. Such organizations constantly redesign themselves in order to avoid the fate of Kodak. Because they seek to combine the agility of startups with the size of large firms, they will test new, more open, decentralized, dynamic and digital forms of organization. Precursors already exist.

You will find more information about these trends and their implications in this book: Innovation Intelligence.

Within this environment, the Presans value proposition remains unique

The raison d’être of Presans is to provide answers to the underlying question: “how to build on-demand teams of top-level talents to inject agility into large organizations”.

Presans’ specificity resides in the combination of Fellows, big data and a unique methodology, as well as a focus on science and technology.

Presans’ ideal clients are large and visionary companies turned towards the exploration of new territories. When innovation projects enter game-changer territory, you need to make sure you have the right combination of talents in your teams.

What’s next? On-demand experts!

At Presans, we’ve built the applications we needed. Now we want to build the platform our clients need. This platform will allow internal stakeholders of a company to build and engage on-demand teams of international leading experts to shed light on technological and industrial innovation issues: an on-demand talents platform for open organizations, covering on the spot expertise, ad-hoc project teams, long term recruitment — the full spectrum of industrial expertise needs.

Final note

If we extend current trends, the future of human work looks bleak. If nothing is done, the way work is organized is headed towards dystopia. Presans is building its contribution to a different future.